Derek Ridgers x Gucci Community COV19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO

Like so many brands, Gucci sprang into action as the coronavirus pandemic ravaged both Italy and the fashion industry, contributing a total of 2 million euros across two different crowd-fundraising campaigns. Locally, the Italian house will donate 1 million euros to the National Civil Protection Department in Italy. The other 1 million will go to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund in support of the World Health Organization as part of a larger matching campaign with Facebook. In late March, Gucci also dedicated its social-media feeds, which have 70 million followers across all platforms, to public service announcements from the WHO.

Since then, Gucci has continued its efforts, inviting the many creatives who make up its community (all of whom are now hopefully safe at home) to share and make original work for social media.

The photographer Derek Ridgers shared images from his archive of “what life was like before,” specifically of young people going out, drinking, dancing, hooking up, and getting into trouble.

 @derekridgers is hopeful that when the crisis subsides “we’ll all have learnt to appreciate life’s small pleasures a great deal more.” He is spending his time at home reviewing his past work. “At times like this, one’s thoughts go back to what life was like before and I’ve been spending this time going through my photographic archive.” His images are scenes from another time, of young love. He shares his work for creativity, kindness and solidarity for the #GucciCommunity.
The #GucciCommunity stands behind aiding those most vulnerable in this crisis, join by donating now to the @unfoundation’s #COVID19 Solidarity Response Fund in support of the World Health Organization @who, and locally with @intesasanpaolo's #ForFunding campaign which supports the Italian Civil Protection Department #DipartimentoProtezioneCivile

Article @ The Cut